Friday, November 10, 2017

My Dearest Creation ( Part 1)

My Dearest Creation; 

I am known as the Universe, Spirit, God, The Creator and all that is and all that ever was, I am the Alpha and the Omega, I have no beginning and no ending ... simply I AM

You are a very special being, my creation, my child and my protege, I chose for you to be the one that came throughout of a million other possibilities or possible connections between your mother and your father. Please always remember that you were chosen by me to be in this lifetime.
You have value, greater than you can imagine for I have created you in my image, you have strength and power beyond what you can comprehend for as my creation you are and always will be a part of me. Please understand you are not my lesser than nor my servant but a holographic image of me, within in you I am contained and within me, you are contained.

The time has come for you to recognise your greatness and grow into your fullest potential, do not become meek so others may shine for I created you to shine as brightly as the stars, do not bow down to another for I have imbued you with a greatness that demands you stand in your own light, do not allow another to lessen you for there is no one above you nor below you nor will there ever be!

I brought you forth to experience the fullest deepest of love, the vast expanse of joy and to trust and observe your true creative power and wisdom.
YOU ARE and have always been enough, there is no other that can validate you more than I myself have and no one can take away the power I have bestowed upon you unless you give it away to them. Even when you have given it away know that you may claim it back anytime you chose for it is yours and no other can take from you what is your inherent right to own.

You are magnificent, perfect and completely whole just as you are, do not worry that others do not see your worth as the mere fact that I brought you into existence proves beyond any reckoning or reasoning that I the creator of all that ever was or ever will be, deemed you to have worth, meaning, purpose and a destiny that must be fulfilled.

You are always loved, when you feel in doubt of this call to me and I will remind you of the greatest of all loves that I hold for you.  Please remember to love yourself as much as I love you and you will never feel that love is something you must chase after, something outside yourself or something you must earn.
I have given you the greatest love imaginable and hidden it right inside you, so please stop looking for others to validate your love or your worthiness to receive love, it already belongs to you.

It is time for you to remove the shackles you have placed upon yourself and break free! You are LOVE you are PEACE you are JOY you are WEALTH you are HAPPINESS and you are DIVINE!!

It is time for you to shine as brightly as the sun, to unfold the mystery of your very essence and step into your divine right to have do or be anything you desire, you do no one a service by pretending to be small or dimming your light so others may shine! Stand up, dust yourself off and REMEMBER who you are!!
This is one of two messages of Divine Love, if you enjoyed reading this then please like, share and follow me for more inspiring messages.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Challenge... 30 days of Greatful

How hard would it be for you to find one thing a day to be grateful for?   Would you be willing to find out?   What if????

 If everything is just energy and we are energy conductors too, then it stands to reason that our energy or the energetic frequency we are emitting has the power to impact everything around us!

We are all aware that Science and Spirituality are now in alignment and if what they are stating is correct, we have the power to affect our outcomes by what we choose to focus our attention on.

Choosing to acknowledge everything we do have and give thanks for it showing up in our lives sends out a signal that we are seeking things to be thankful for and if that is where we are placing our attention then as Quantum Physics states we bring those very things into existence.

What if by simply building on that gratitude every day we not only change our perspective but the very landscape of our lives? Would you be willing to experiment and see what shows up?  What would you have to lose?

Those thirty days are going to pass by anyway so playing a game of gratitude for a minute or so out of your day won't cost you much in time or effort but just might help you shift some of your limiting patterns and belief systems!
You know those pesky things that are all over the media and all we have to do are pay £999.99 and someone will help us to overcome and remove all those blocks or give us a blueprint that will supposedly rid us from them once and for all.

Before you shell out a lot of money to be told that you need to be grateful for what you have and find out what is stopping you then just think differently and a magic wand will be waved and life will forever change from that day forward, why not test the water without jumping in with both feet?

So here is what the experiment or game consists of, each day you will find just one thing to be grateful for, it shouldn't be too hard, most of us have a roof over our heads, food to eat and clothes to wear ( this applies to 90% of the western world) and even if you don't you still most likely have at least one or two of these. 

Next, expand on it, do you have a good friend or even a few? Do you have a pet or something that has an emotional attachment to it for you? What about family or even co-workers? Maybe it's a TV show or a great book..... see how even the smallest things we may have taken for granted can start to add up?

In this experiment, you find the one thing each day, say it out loud and then add to them. Grab a piece of paper or a journal and write it down so that you build your list. In other words day one you have one thing then on day two you repeat out loud both day one and day two's gratitude statements.
   I am thankful ( grateful) for having a roof over my head ( day      one)
   I am thankful for having a roof over my head and a comfy bed to    sleep in (day two)
   I am thankful for having roof over my head, a comfy bed to sleep    in and food to eat (day three)

I have made it excruciatingly simple to start with so that when you reach the 30-day mark you don't have to worry about not finding anything else to be grateful for, this is highly unlikely to happen but its just to get you to realize how easy this whole process can be. It will teach your mind to literally think in new ways and create new neural connections in your brain, where it is easier for you to fire off those wonderful feel-good endorphins.

When we feel better we react better to our circumstances and when we react better we become more resourceful in our decision-making processes and the more resourceful we can become the better we can begin to direct our lives or create life more in alignment with what we want it to be instead of just allowing it to happen to us.

 Just 30 short little days to start imagining What IS possible?

Monday, November 6, 2017

Better chance of winning the lotto jackpot twice!

Just your average type of person?

Think you are just average?
Nothing that special, just an average Joe or Jill, so why should you desire something special in your life? Something extraordinary?
After all, why would you be entitled to greatness when you are just the run of the mill everyday average kind of person.

Just for a moment, I would like you to consider the possibility that you are an extremely rare and unique individual, instead of blindly accepting what you were told or conditioned to believe you are, what expectations someone like you should have or what you should settle for.

To give you an inclining into just how amazing it is that you were created exactly as the you that you see staring back at you in the mirror it might help to remember this small fact.

 In each human being created on this planet there were approximately 8.4million possible combinations of DNA, Chromosomes, and Gametes per parent or approximately 70.6 million possible combinations per couple.... still think you are just average???

YOU are not one in a million or even one in 10 million you are one in 70+ million... let that sink in for a minute! You have more chance of winning the lottery jackpot twice in one lifetime than you do of recreating another you.

YOU are an incredibly rare masterpiece and that makes you priceless!! Maybe it’s time you start remembering that fact!!!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Mama said" Mind your Language"

Mind your Language!!

The word WHY and its variations, Why not, Why don’t/do, How come etc., can be a powerful ally or a force of destruction depending on how we use it, unfortunately, most of us have been programmed to use it in its negative context.

I would wager most of you have never asked yourself questions like why am I so wonderful, so lucky, so immensely successful, so joyously happy or even just why am I feeling so damn good today. Anyone of the above would bring you a series of reasons or examples of why usually in the form of images you see in your mind or words you hear in your mind that are then translated into imagery.

 You would not actually get a written memo listing the reasons as that is not how the mind operates, it only understands images and symbols. If we can accept that imagery is powerful enough to create an emotion within us we can come to understand how our thoughts can affect our mood, our outlook on life and the amount of stress or lack thereof we experience.

Take a moment and note down what automatically flashed up in your mind when you asked the above questions and how it made you feel, the emotions those questions evoked for you. Your mind would only bring you the answers that correlated to the question asked and anything that did not directly answer the question was automatically filtered out as irrelevant.

Even if the question was asked dripping with sarcasm or intended as a joke, you still got feedback or results that were positive. This is simply due to the fact that our minds are literal in the extreme sense of the word, it does not understand jokes, sarcasm, innuendo or implied meanings.

Think of it as a massive database that can only respond to the query sent and you will start to understand how the questions we ask ourselves can either empower us and allow us to see all possibilities or leave us feeling trapped, stuck or even downright hopeless.

To illustrate this further, ask yourself questions like Why do I always get picked last, why don’t I have the amount of money I want, how come no one wants to date me/love me. Why can't I or don't I have what I want/ need, why does this shite always happen to me?

 I would be willing to bet that not one of the above questions brought you back information or imagery that left you feeling empowered or gave you any viable solutions to the original problem. What you did get was all the reasons, most likely a running commentary on all the negative beliefs you have about yourself that would substantiate the why.

When you posed the question, you were probably hoping to get information that was more along the lines of... well you see you need to be doing X instead of Y and once you change that you will see the results you are after.

Instead, you got a shedload of information that made you feel even worse about yourself or validated what a failure you are! Not helpful at all!

To get the empowering, helpful responses you were actually seeking you need to reframe the question and reword the query so instead of asking why or why not, start asking what would that look like, what would it take to have this show up, how would it feel to have that in my life?

Do you see how just reframing from a negative query to a positive one the imagery and inner dialogue you are given is completely opposite to the original one?

Take a moment now to 'reframe' the questions into a positive query, what I mean by this is instead of asking why am I such a failure, why can't I get what I really want or how come other people with less knowledge, or whatever your bugaboo is, than me have all the success?

Try rewording (reframing) each question to something far more empowering like;

What would it take for me to be successful or even a simple what do I need to learn or understand to move past this perceived failure? Notice I used the word perceived, it implies that I am only perceiving it as a failure, when it may be the greatest seed of enlightenment I have yet to uncover.

 I also ask what would it take to move past this, instead of just stating it as a perceived failure.

For the next question, we could ask what do I need to do or understand to get what I really want in life or what do I need to do or understand to be as successful as Mr/Ms. X. You could simply ask what is possible, followed by what would it take for me to have that show up in my life right now? When we reframe the question to get the real answer we are searching for the great database of our mind starts to give us information that is useful and will allow us to move forward.

Lastly, we could ask what would I need to have even greater success than X or what could I learn from X and replicate to achieve that level of success?

Take a moment now and write down at least 3 or 4 of your go-to questions you ask yourself that you can now recognize as unhelpful or even downright destructive. The ones that leave you feeling even more confused than when you started or worse make you feel helpless and hopeless when you ask yourself them.

You should begin to see a pattern here of what your “go to” queries are and how they make you feel when you get that unhelpful feedback.

Now reword the question and write down what comes up as well, such as the feelings it evokes in you or any imagery you have showing up. Which types of questions gave you the more positive feedback and actual solutions as opposed to another stick to beat yourself up with?

This exercise can be a powerful tool to open us to an endless supply of resources within in that great database we call our mind, we just need to understand how it works to access the wealth of knowledge hidden inside it.

Start asking yourself questions that are going to get you the answers you need and you will find that within your mind you already have a great database of knowledge just waiting for you to utilize it! Understand how to use the language of the mind and you will have created a resource more valuable than you could ever imagine.


1.     Use a journal to capture your ideas and inspirations as your mind will often unleash a myriad of possibilities in one giant download!

2.     Ask the questions right before you go to sleep and then keep a notepad or journal close at hand so you can write down any ideas that seem to pop out of nowhere when you wake up. (Einstein, Edison, and Tesla were all known to use this approach and look what they were able to create)

3.     Try out different ways of reframing the questions and see what you get, just by changing the question slightly you may come up with even greater insights

4.     Use the answers you come up with to pose other questions, for instance, if you ask what would it take to have that level of success show up in my life you could then ask what would be the next best step to me to take to achieve this outcome

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