Thursday, January 11, 2018

Be the Alpha!

How to move into Alpha or Theta brainwaves without  breaking a sweat.

Heard all the buzz about what accessing Alpha or Theta states can do for your creativity and productivity but don't know how to move easily into Alpha or Theta brainwaves?

Tried it before but somehow you couldn't quite get it to work for you?

Don't worry it might just be that you are unaware of this simple hack to get you into that so called 'miracles happen' space of mind. Alpha mind or brainwaves are often referred to as the bridge to the subconscious, a sort of gateway to the smarter more creative part of you.

I don't want to go into a long explanation but this state is something we enter into easily throughout the day, often without being aware we are doing so... in essence if you have ever been so absorbed doing something you completely lost track of time it is most likely you were in Alpha brainwaves.

If that is not working for you just imagine that feeling of when you are just drifting off to sleep and the bed feels soft and cozy, it might even feel like you are drifting or floating and  oh so very relaxed...even reading those words has probably made you feel a bit more relaxed already....

To access that feeling on command there a just a few simple steps that will quickly put you in that place of deep relaxation where your mind is fluid and images and symbols seem to drift into your awareness unbidden, only now you are going to be in control and directing where you focus your attention. ( If you are reading this I'm going to assume you are not driving or operating equipment if you are DON'T)

  • Find a place you won't be disturbed and can sit or lie comfortably

  • Without tilting your chin look up as if you are trying to see your own eyebrows hold for ten seconds, close your eyes briefly then open them at look up again

  • Take a deep breath in through your nose, filling your lungs and exhale sharply and completely through your mouth, do this 3 times. Imagine you are breathing in pure relaxation and exhaling tension (it may help to imagine a colour for each, usually a light colour breathing in and a dark or dull colour when breathing out)

  • When your eyes get a heavy or strained feeling let them close and stay closed

  • Imagine  yourself walking into an empty movie theatre and finding a comfortable seat to sit in

  • Watch as the lights dim and the room grows dark, the curtains open and on screen you see the numbers counting down from 10 to 1... notice what you 'see' on the screen 

  • You can use this technique to practice going into Alpha or Theta and use it to free float, where you just allow whatever comes up for you to come up or you can 'pre-program' it so that you go in with a specific question/purpose in mind.

  • With practice you should be able to just focus on the breathes in and out use the countdown to enter the Alpha state on demand.

If you would like more information on how to use this to improve your productivity or outcomes please feel free to get in touch @sandiecamara

The Great Wall ... and how to smash through it!

The  Great Wall... the wall you keep hitting that keeps you from achieving your goals!

In each of us is an invisible wall that stretches out much further and higher than the one you just pictured in your mind. This wall only makes itself known when we go running towards our dreams and ‘big goals’ and boom, that sucker suddenly appears out of nowhere and we smack into it full force!

All the time you were happy playing small it's existence was never brought into your awareness but it's been there all along lurking in the shadows.

Sort of like the Truman show, he thought he had this wonderful although slightly dull existence, until he woke up and figured out that his life was being played out as a continuous boring loop, the walls containing him were not noticed

The crap news is for most of you this wall was probably built before you reached the age of ten and then we added reinforcing or supporting stones onto it as we grew up!

So what is the key to moving past this great expansive wall and why the hell would we build it in the first place?

Before you can conquer must first size up the opponent...

In other words you need to acknowledge its purpose and function, this wall was created by our minds in the desire to keep us ‘safe’, to not experience the hurt or pain that placed the first stone in the wall then we can accept that the intentions behind keeping it in place are positive even if they appear extremely unhelpful or keep us trapped.

How many of you have tried and initially succeeded in losing that excess 20 pounds, perhaps even kept it off for months at a time but then slowly but surely, you notice the number on the scales climbing higher and higher again? Or you set out to start building your Empire only to find you are distracted doing 'busy' work rather than the tasks or actions that actually move you towards achieving those dreams?

Both of these are examples or how our subconscious mind believes that what we are accustomed to and what has kept us alive, no matter how crappy it might be, will continue to keep us safe, so it will constantly seek to 'reset' back to the familiar. It's job is not to make you happy or give you what you want it's one and only job is to keep you alive!

Think of it as a giant thermostat that regulates how warm or cool your house is, if it gets too hot it cuts out  allowing the house to cool down, if it gets too cold the heating fires up to bring the house back to the pre-set temperature. Although there may be times when your house is too warm or cold it doesn't stay that way for long unless you reprogram the settings.

Well that is very much how your subconscious (or rather the part of your subconscious that is the 'mammalian' brain) works and why you keep hitting that wall! You may be saying this is all well and fine and I've heard something similar to this before yet how many actually know how to smash down the wall or at the very least break through it.... here is a tip, its not will power or even motivation.

Sure will power and motivation can give you some juice to make some short term changes but what good is that if you don't adjust the settings? Sort of like trying to solve the problem of keeping your house at a comfortable temperature by running the heating and air-conditioning at the same time, they are constantly fighting against one another for domination and in the end neither wins!

If you want that wall to let you pass then you have to dismantle it, smash it or demolish it and the quickest way to do that is to 'talk' to the subconscious because that's who built the damn thing in the first place.

 I use a method called Hypnotic Coaching to blast through this wall and although it works better if you have someone guiding you, you can do some of the work yourself. Go ahead give it a try!

1: Use any method you prefer to get into the Alpha state (There is another blogpost that you can use to guide you into this state if you don't know one offhand)

2: Once in Alpha picture the Wall in your minds eye

3: See yourself sitting in front of it and ask what is the purpose and what painful (unsafe) past experience it is now trying to protect you from reliving.

4: Acknowledge the experience and then shift your mind to how you overcame it or the positive that came from it.

5: Ask if you can let the negative event go? Are you willing to let it go now? If not now when can you let it go? Even if you get a date in the future the process of releasing it has already begun and the subconscious has acknowledged it is willing to release it.

6: See the wall starting to crumble and fall down in your minds eye until there is a space for you to walk through it. To strengthen this you can imagine the Goal or desired outcome on the other side where you can now step into being or doing it!

If you are still struggling or would like help to be guided through this clearing and healing experience please get it touch on my website https:/

Be the Alpha ! How to move into Alpha or Theta brainwaves without  breaking a sweat. Heard all the buzz about what accessing Alpha o...